Halloween Film Review – Us

Film Studies student Eliza reviews a creepy classic.

I’ve picked this movie because when I was a bit younger, I started watching it but I got too scared and turned it off. The voice of the main character totally freaked me out and the whole concept of the movie just made me feel queasy. Last year I faced my fear and watched the movie and boy was it a journey. It’s a clever movie with a bizarre ending that I never guessed and doubt you will either.

I love this movie because it feels so real and like it could definitely happen.

Who’s to say there aren’t people that look just like us out in the world that we just don’t know about?

One of the things that make this movie so eerie is that it plays with your mind.

HP Lovecraft’s quote “great horror should be, not of the charnel house, but of the mind” is a perfect one for this movie, he was a renowned horror author and I definitely agree with his statement. This movie isn’t so much about the gore more about the sense of familiarity and that’s what makes it so terrifying.

Without spoiling the movie, it is about a family who have gone to the coast for a quick getaway and meet some familiar faces when they get there. Directed by Jordan Peele any fan of his other movies will love this too. I think the choice of camera angles and movement, especially in the opening, are very cleverly chosen and make the whole movie even creepier. Some of the shots even feel like you’re in the scene and experiencing the horror. I think the choice of music especially towards the end is very clever.

A lot of this movie is symbolism. Michael Jackson is referenced heavily with the red outfits (like his in Thriller), the Thriller t-shirt the girl wears and the duality that is in the movie and also common with Jackson. At first watch I was confused why there were so many references to Bunny Rabbits but having done some research its meant to reference the idea of rebirth which I still don’t totally get but it is interesting.

Many people say that they didn’t like this film and I do get where they’re coming from, but I think it’s so spooky and odd that it works well. My favourite bit is absolutely the ending and if you do watch this movie, I’m sure you’ll agree with me. Many people say the reason they don’t like it is because the ending confused them but if I’m honest I think they just weren’t paying good attention.

If you do chose to watch the film I hope you enjoy it!



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