The Great Galaxy of Star Wars spin-offs!

As season three of the popular Mandalorian series hits the screens, Thomas Heneghan-Powell explores the distant galaxy of Star Wars spin-offs

The last few years have seen an explosion of Star Wars series…but which is the best?

The Mandalorian

What is it about?

The Mandalorian tells the story of a gun-slinging ‘space cowboy’/ bounty hunter (Din Djarin). On a bounty hunting mission (in episode 1) he ends up with ‘baby Yoda’ as his companion – who he then (reluctantly at first) vows to protect from the Empire who want him for some nefarious research. The unlikely pair go on many adventures across the galaxy often having to avoid bad-guy Moff Gideon and the remnants of the Empire. Along the way our duo make many allies – many of whom will make long time Star Wars fans very happy.

Is it any good?

Generally, the Mandalorian has been highly popular and one of the most successful spin-offs. Although viewers will benefit from previous knowledge of Star Wars it does stand alone well. The highlights are the spectacular atmospheric music (which borrows from classic westerns like The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) and the endearing and comic contrast between the Clint Eastwood like Mandalorian and the absolutely adorable, silly, frog-eating ‘baby Yoda’.

Where does it fit into the Star Wars chronology?

After the Battle of Endor = 5 years

After the Battle of Yavin = 9 years

The Book of Boba Fett

What’s it about?

The book of Boba Fett takes place before and after the events of The Mandalorian Seasons one and two. The show follows the story of bounty hunter Boba Fett’s survival of the deadly Sarlak pit and his journey to regain his former life.  He joins up with an unlikely new family in the often-hostile Tuskan Raiders and Boba helps them – before they end up meeting a grizzly end. The show’s story shows how he took control of Jabba The Hut’s criminal empire after his death and shows his struggle to protect his new position of power.

Is it any good?

The book of Boba Fett is seen as a weaker show than the Mandalorian but this doesn’t mean it’s necessarily bad. The show is not for everyone – it has a slow story but has many returning characters from throughout Star Wars and it also has excellent visuals, and of course the show is amazing if you’re a Boba Fett fan or a fan of the Mandalorian.

Where does it fit into the Star Wars chronology?

Starts – A few Days after the Sail Barge incident and the Death of Jabba The Hut

Ends – Before the Mandalorian season 3


Lego Star Wars Specials

What’s it about?

There have been three Lego Star Wars shorts now, one Christmas themed (The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special) which released in 2020 and followed Ray as she searched for the Meaning of Life Day, and a second which released in 2021, Lego Star Wars Terrifying Tales. This TV special is a collection of “scary” Story’s set in the Star Wars universes which all have a twist! The final of these 3 shorts is the Lego Star Wars Sumer Vacation which follows Finn treating his friends to a vacation on board a luxury cruise ship and the hi-jinks that issue from it.

Is it any good?

The Lego Star Wars Specials are a nice bit of fun but don’t have any relevance in the greater Star Wars story. They are rewarding for Star Wars fans with some good humour but I wouldn’t rush to watch them if you want some Star Wars content.

Where does it fit into the Star Wars chronology?

Its separate to the main timeline.


Obi-One Kenobi

What’s it about?

Kenobi tells the story of Obi-One Kenobi and his quest to save Princess Leia. He also must defeat the Inquisitors and the remnants of the Sith. Along the way he must face his past and his old friends. One of the main focuses of the show is the relationship between Darth Vader and Obi-One and their rivalry and feelings about each other after the battle of Mustafar and Anakin’s fall to the dark side. The show ends with a spectacular finale putting closure to most stories.

Is it any good?

This show is great for fans of the prequel trilogy and the dynamic between Obi-One Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker is a highlight. Kenobi is the weakest out of the Star Wars shows but it doesn’t mean its necessarily bad and it’s still very enjoyable. Another highlight in this show is Ewan McGregor reprising his role as Obi-One Kenobi and his performance as everyone’s favourite old Jedi Knight.

Where does it fit into the Star Wars chronology?

Start – 10 years after battle of Mustafar

Ends – 8 years before Obi-One gives adult Luke Anakin’s Lightsabre



What’s it about?

Andor follows Rogue One’s Cassian Andor, and his journey to discover what he can do to make a difference in the vast galaxy, as well as him joining the rebel alliance and fighting against the Empire. The series focuses on Andor’s development as he learns to accept his role as a rebel leader in the situations he finds himself in, from vault robberies to prison breaks – with several other characters journey’s being progressed alongside Andor, with the most notable other narrative of Mon Mothma, who originally featured in Return of the Jedi. The show looks a lot more grounded and real than the other due to less CGI being used through giving it quite a gritty aesthetic.

Is it any good?

If you enjoyed Rough One you will Love Andor its dark gritty and full of drama its great for any Star Wars fans looking for some more serous content, and the visuals are increasable to watch on screen. Cassian Andor is a very complex character with many layers so its great to see where he came from and how he became a Rebel leader. Over all I would defiantly recommend Andor!

Where does it fit into the Star Wars chronology?

Starts – 12 years after the battle of Mustafar

Ends – 5 years before the destruction of Scarif in Rogue One

Now here’sthe big question: which one of these Star Wars shows is the best? Well today I’m going to try and answer this question, so here’s my ranking for all the current Star Wars live action TV spinoffs:

  • Mandalorian
  • Andor
  • The Book Of Boba Fett
  • Obi-One Kenobi
  • Lego Star Wars Spinoffs



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