Review: House Drama

A (very) quick round up of the best bits

HOUSE: Duckworth

The story in a sentence: An adaptation of Disney’s Robin Hood: cute, fun but with no Kevin Costner.

Best moments: Intricate set, clever prop and stage design.

Star performers: Ensemble, Ethan Marshal, Liv Bellins, Charlotte Banach

Overall position: 4th


HOUSE: Riverdale 

The story in a sentence: Riverdale steals 2nd place with the Titanic story of Prometheus, who steals fire from the gods to gift to his favourite pets – humans.

Best moments: The end of the Titantonomachy (aka – when they were all dead on the floor); the  forging of Athene’s plywood sword

Star performers: Ainsley Mays, Merrick Rixon, Henri Parkin, Audrey and Lincoln Emmons

Overall position: 2nd


HOUSE: Ellis  

The story in a sentence: A young boy summons well-spoken Etonian demon who arranges the abduction and murder of his family.

Best moments: The yanking of Ed, Rosie’s death, saving of the school’s electricity bill with ‘atmospheric’ lighting.

Star performers: Ben Jackson, Rosie Jones, Freddie, the makeup

Overall position: 1st


HOUSE: Windemere   

The story in a sentence: Grumpy Valkyrie is forced into a Norse iteration of Romeo and Juliet – featuring poison, suicide, humour and Ryan Larson.

Best moments: Hugo and Charley’s bromance, picture perfect horses

Star performers: Hugo Andrews, Charley Campbell, Grace Illingworth, Rose Ritson

Overall position: 3rd


Additional Show Notes/ Highlights

  • The cause of global warming uncovered – the Soothill’s balcony
  • The 80s rock band meets renaissance look in the speech by our Drama Captain
  • Reform of performance style with the abolishment of the previously obligatory ‘Rugby Player in a Dress’ character, although it was nice to see Duckworth give the rugby players a chance centre stage



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